I had a rough idea in my head of how it might work but a quick Google later I found this post on how to build a floor hatch. The hatch in that post led to a basement (I think) but the idea was the same: an insulated, removable piece of subfloor & floorboards!
I was fortunate my dad helped sketch out the idea for me (I did too but I’ve lost the paper & his version was much better), always helps clear out ideas!

Basically I would make a liftable box which contained the underfloor including the windpaper & insulation then I cut the floorboards accordingly to fit the box & just screw them down to make them easy to get up, simple! And unlike most things in this house this actually was simple & went to plan!

So that’s it, a pretty simple floor hatch and here’s how it looked once the floor was back down:

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